Thursday, January 24, 2008

Treat the pain, not the swell

Call it superstitious beliefs or what but in Sabah many people would consult individuals who claim to have supernatural powers of healing when they are sick, especially terminal illnesses. Some go for other reasons like wanting to find out if their spouses are unfaithful. Anyway, someone in the family told me last night about a popular medium who would sometimes reveal a patient's dark secrets for he believes that healing of the physical wellbeing starts with the spirit. Despite his can of worms-opening approach many still go to him out of desperation. He attends to his patients of all walks of life all day long. Yet, many avoid him for obvious reasons. Some even pooh-pooh his ability and accuse him of being a phony. I, however, am not in the position to judge their claims as well as the medium's ability.

But what captures my attention is the kind of reaction people have toward healing. I remember a story:

A young woman golfer sliced the ball into a garden of flowers and as it was her only ball left for she had lost the rest in the previous holes, she was determined to find it.

As she was looking through the flowers, an angry bee stung her lower lip. She continued playing the remaining holes and by the time she returned to the club house she felt a throbbing pain on her swelling lip. Her golf buddies however noted that the swollen lip looked kind of sexy on her, like Julia Roberts' they said.

On her way home, she drove to a clinic, told the doctor what happened and sought treatment.

"By the way doctor," she said inside the treatment room. "Can you just treat the pain and leave the swell as it is?"

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