Tuesday, February 19, 2008

So called faith

One of the things I always find amusing is to hear people talk about faith. Unless tested, well, it's just an empty proclamation...Check this out:

A man accidently fell down a cliff but managed to grab a branch half way the fall. He was still far from safe as the valley below was a few hundred metres away. If he let go, he would certainly fall to his death. But again, there was no way for him to climb back up. In such desperate moment he prayed aloud.

"Lord, please help me in my hour of need," he cried. "You know I'm a man of faith and I believe that you, and you alone, who can help me now."

Suddenly the clouds opened and out came a voice. "Do you really believe that I can help you?"

"Yes! Yes! You know how big is my faith in you," said the man as he struggled to hand on.

"Ok. Now let go of the branch," the voice commanded.

"What? Are you crazy?"

It takes a childlike heart to believe...

A village in Borneo was experiencing a severe drought. Villagers went to see the shaman to pray for rain. "I'll do it," she said. "But all of us must have faith in the ritual I will perform." She then instructed them to bring anything to express their faith. All of them brought religious items except for one young boy. He brought an umbrella.

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